MY ART cascade tranquility

MY ART cascade tranquility
cascades in the adirondacks, NY

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I saw a delicate flower had grown up two feet high between the
horses' feet and the wheel track. An inch more to the right or
left had sealed its fate, or an inch higher.

Yet it lived to flourish, and never knew the danger it incurred.
It did not borrow trouble,

...nor invite an evil fate by apprehending it.

~Henry David Thoreau~

if you can't, you can

If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk,
if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do
you have to keep moving forward.
hey all sorry for the delay in my writings, but i have been in the hospital, minor surgery, happy to report all went well (except the bill)hahaha, and I am home now.

If anyone reading this knows how I can get more followers please let me know, really think I have some good stuff to offer...Words of wisdom, mistakes that can be learned from, I want to get these things out there so others can learn and i can be heard...

It would definitely be a godsend if this blog could become more public!!!! I want to sincerely thank you for your help...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hey all, Im back, i see i still have no followers maybe when i tweet tonight i can change it all.  I found todays Meditation for the day from 24 hours a day quite intriguing (if in AA you are familiar with the day to day writings): It goes like this 'I must rely on God.  I must trust Him to the limit. I must depend on the Divine Power in all human relationships.  I will wait for guidasnce on each important decision,  I will meet the test of waiting until a thing seems rught before I do it.  Every work for God must meet this test of time. The guidance will come, if I wait for it.' So anyway the reason i find this so intriguing is because i haven't quite grasped the whole concept of God, I try to pray, but it is dificult to have a conversation with somone who isn't actualloy in your presence...Maybe someone could help me with that...Got any ideas for me ? plz

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I's been a long, long, long day...back to work tomorrow, but as for today; I haven't been able to wake up, tired throughtout the day. 

I put accouple of paintings at the top nof my page, just a reminder of who I can be, what I am cabaple of doing... I am not worthless, not matter what I've been told or how I've been treated or what i've believed...I really am someone!!!  If we are going to be that someone and be healthy my belief is humility.

24 hour  Day prayer: I pray I may have a listening ear, so that he may speak to me. I
 pray that I may have a waiting heart, so he may come to me! <3

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I found some quotes on my twitter page that I love so much i want to share:

Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. -Oprah

Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves. -Dale Carnegie

Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion. -Oprah

So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground. -Oprah

Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. -Oprah

Those who stand for nothing fall for anything. -Alexander Hamilton

good enough for now, i could copy thousands more, but then what would i write either later or tomorrow...


It's saturday morning and i don't really know much about blogging, but it might be a good way to journal, one of my older mentors said i really should write in a journal because it will help so why not do it in a blog.  I have nothing to hide and i may as well share my thoughts, feelings, and ideas, who knows they may help someone else...

In am an addict but I'm in recovery.  Some days are good, some days are bad, and some days are wonderful.  I attend a class at a place called Western Judicial, Well I have an assignment due on Tuesday.  The essay I have to write is "What addiction is and how it applies to your use of prescription drugs."  The questions you get do get you thinking, but sometimes i think I could come up with better questions.  So probably that is what I should do'

Each blog I write I am going to come up with a question and answer it my way, so If anyone can think of any questions for me I would love to answer it, or if anyone would like to answer the questions i come up with that would be awesome too... so let's do it, MAYBE WE COULD HELP EACH OTHER!!!!